02 September 2009

Nyeri pada payudara

Question: My left breast is sore..feels like its bruised and is swollen..it feels hot to the touch..I am 35 so not in puberty!! Any ideas what it could be?

Sounds that the tissue is inflammed and there may be some kind of infections going there. In the medical term, breast inflammation is called mastitis. This usually occurs in breastfeeding mother but could also happen with women who are not breastfeeding. The symptoms are red, painful, swollen breast with discharge and accompanied by fever. This can be due to piercing or even bacteria penetrating from the milk duct. Anti-inflammatory tablets like ibuprofen can be taken to reduce the inflammation together with icing technique (apply an ice pack every 15-20 minutes). However, if the condition persist for another 24 hours then you need to see a doctor. The doctor may prescribe some antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

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